Originally conceived to describe the microscopic world of atoms and elementary particles, the theory of quantum mechanics was later used to predict macroscopic phenomena such as the electrical and optical properties of semiconductors, resulting in a wide range of technological applications that have changed our way of living.
QuCube is bringing industrial silicon technologies to a quantum processor containing hundreds of spin qubits confined to a two-dimensional array of electrostatically-defined silicon quantum dots. A three-dimensional architecture designed to the charge sensing devices necessary for qubit readout and the metal gate lines for the electrical control and measurement on separate planes will overcome the challenges of addressing qubits individually. The gate lines are operated according to a multiplexing principle, enabling a scalable wiring layout. The objective of the project is to develop fault-tolerant logical qubits and perform quantum simulations of complex Hamiltonians.
Publication : https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/810504
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